
The Fallen Kingdom
By Elizabeth May,

I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley from the publisher. I can’t even begin to express my love for this series. I am beyond sad to see it come to and end, though it is as they say all good things must…

I remember in the beginning the fascination I felt with Kam’s world… the struggle she seemed to feel keeping up pretenses and then watching it all be destroyed.

The most major flaw I saw in this series was how May sort of let the small steam punk aspect that started out so strong fall away. She threw bits in there once more at the end but I think it would have helped greatly if this was a consistency throughout. The good however far outweighs the bad and this is another series that I believe had the most perfect ending it could. Some books chose happy endings, other the opposite. This ending NAILED IT. I like how the Fae are pretty much all evil jerks (as they were intended to be according to like every myth). I liked that for the most part the characters in this series had their priorities in order which far too often is not the case in YA. Mostly I just love the atmosphere and the romantic tension though!

Some character thoughts as I read:
(Please note: I found myself periodically yelling “ Kick his A**, Kick her A**, and kick it’s A**” throughout the whole story)

Scorcha! Man that girl.


Catherine, as lovely and brilliant as always

And MaCay… SWOON! As per usual.

It all comes together in a force of dynamite and glitter.

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