
These Ruthless Deeds- Mini Review

These Ruthless Deeds 
by Kelly Zekas & Tarun Shanker

The highly anticipated sequel to These Vicious Masks was finally in my possession and saying I was excited would be putting it mildly. I enjoyed book one as I am a huge fan of historical fiction and historical alternate fiction. Add the X-men ish style abilities and you have a winner!

I felt These Ruthless Deeds got off to a slower start than TVM and I was worried for a moment I wouldn’t be able to get into the story. It took me a bit to refresh my mind on the characters and what exactly happened in the previous book. But once it got going it was all action.

The End of this book is what really did it for me, so many unexpected twists and revelations, followed by the ultimate shock. Possibly the best What The Heck moment in the entire series. I was actually shaking my head saying “No way. No she didn’t” referring to the author but SHE DID. Be prepared guys because you will feel things! I almost cried, and it’s been a while since a book brought me to tears.
